Which Local 631 truck was recently photographed parked during working hours at a Las Vegas Strip Club? Maybe thats why Phillipenas refuses to provide the Business Agent expense reports requested by Kevin Hardison.
Neither John Phillipenas nor Kermit Williams can explain why they dismissed the lawsuit filed by Kevin Hardison in Federal Court to force Republic Services to arbitrate the grievance filed by Hardison that sought several million dollard allegedly owed by Republic Services. Phillipenas dismissed the lawsuit days after firing Hardison as the Business Agent for Republic Services. We hear Phillipenas couldn't stand the thought of Hardison getting credit for recovering the money.
John Phillipenas appears in the first episode of the new reality television show " You Stuck What Up Your Butt".While Kermit Williams is featured as an unsuccessful contestant on " Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader". Check local listings for date and time.
We hear John Phillipenas partied down until the wee hours of the morning at the Trusteeship Hearing After Party. While reliable sources report that the hearing couldn't have gone worse for Phillipenas he appears relaxed and uncorncerned in this exclusive photograph. You go girl!