The membership of Local 631 is going to have to stand up for a second time to protect their selection of new leadership and a new direction at Local 631. It looks like John Phillipenas and cronies have have turned their latest campaign of lies, distortions and defamation against Local 631 President Kevin Hardison. General President Hoffa appointed yet another Personal Representative to review the Phillipenas Administration because of 500 complaints received by the IBT from members of Local 631. NONE OF THE 500 COMPLAINTS involved Kevin Hardison. Learning this fact and being told by Hardison that he intended to truthfully answer the questions of the Personal Representative was to much for Phillipenas to handle. One can only imagine an enraged red faced Phillipenas with foam streaming out of his mouth like a rabid skunk ordering Hardison terminated as President. Within 24 hours Phillipenas was bitch slapped by General President Hoffa who ordered Hardison reinstated as President.
To justify his termination of Hardison as a Business Agent "Phillipenas the Impotent" cooked up allegations that Hardison stole gasoline because the union car driven by Hardison averaged two miles less a gallon over three months. His latest fictitious claim is nothing more than the ignorant raving of a seriously disturbed individual. He needs to stop listening to all those voices in his head. Hey John we hearThorazine will help keep those damn voices quiet.